Saturday, May 02, 2009

Buford is Home!

The boy is snoring peacefully and calmly in his favorite chair next to the fireplace in the family room---you know, the $800 Thomasville chair and ottoman I purchased for myself a year and a half ago and have NEVER sat in.

DIAGNOSIS: moderate mitral and tricuspid valvular insufficiency. He is on 10 mgs of Enalapril to control his high blood pressure and ease the workload on his heart. This seems to have been causing all the coughing and gagging. The vomiting and bloating were just side effects of all the air gulping!

He needs to have his blood pressure, kidney enzymes and electrolytes checked in 7-10 days to make sure that the dosage is correct and not causing other problems. Then he gets to see his new cardiologist in 4-6 months. (I think that **I** better see a cardiologist after all this stress!)

He seems much more at ease and more in control. Earlier he had a small gagging moment but it passed quickly and without any negative results. I think it is going to take some time for him to totally stablize but he seems to be well on his way.

Good to have him home, that's for sure.

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