Sunday, February 12, 2006


Originally uploaded by hsarver.
WHAT?! Don't you get thirsty? And I am NOT going to drink out of the dog bowl! Besides, this water is nice and cold!! Mmmmm!

What's That?

What's That?
Originally uploaded by hsarver.
Mom put this stupid lead on my so she didn't have to keep going out into the snow everytime I wanted to go out. Problem is that I REALLY want to attack that leaf but I CAN'T reach it. MOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!

I don't like this

I don't like this
Originally uploaded by hsarver.
Winter was perfect for once! None of that nasty snow since December, temperatures in the 40's, 50's and yes, even 60's. And suddenly I wake up and I have to plow through THIS to get to my "spot!" WHY?! It's just not fair.