Saturday, August 13, 2005


My mother is always after me to stop counter-cruising, stop snorting around in the trash, stop ripping up toilet paper tubes, and to stop eating Guinness (but that cat deserves it!). And of course, I do not hear her. Ok, well I hear her, but I don't acknowledge it because that would be WRONG!

In my heart I knew it would all pay off one day. And a few days back it did!! I submitted my most favorite trash-rampage story to the Daily Drool and Sir Roland, Duke of Ears/OEBE Potentate and OEBE membership made an offer of invitation complete with title!

I am now known as Buford, OEBE Exalted Garbagemeister and King of Garbage! OUTRAGEOUS!!!! I plan to uphold all the ideals of this grand establishment, with pride.

OEBE--I will NEVER fail you!