Sunday, June 05, 2005

Peanut Butter--fun for everyone

All I have to do is look at both pups and say, "Peanut Butter" and it is a mad race from wherever they are into the kitchen. Both stop on a dime (ok, they slide on the dime across the linoleum) in front of the kitchen counter and bark like crazy!

Peanut butter serves mulitple purposes: it is one of their favorite treats, I get a good chuckle watching both of them try to lick if off the roofs of their mouths, and well, at the risk of being a little gross, it helps "speed things along" if you know what I mean.

Expanding a tad on the speeding along process, with all the shedding these bassets do (24/7/52) they ingest a lot of hair. That hair can "slow things down." So a little help from Skippy is just what the doctor order!

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