Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Buford's Favorite Activities

Being 6 1/2 years old one doesn't like to carry on quite as much as a younger pup. But Buford still has his quirky approaches to living. His favorite things to do are as follows:

+Stand in front of the gate blocking the living room and barking to be let in---
---only to stand on the other side after being let in and barking to be let out.
+Sit in front of the refridgerator and look back and forth from the box of bisquits to mother.
+Growl at Della simply because she exists.
+Play and romp with Della when mother isn't watching.
+Bark out the living room window because someone, somewhere in the neighborhood closed a car door.
+Sleep--on any and every chair and couch in the house.

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