Sunday, April 03, 2005

%#@!%& Thunder Storm!

I love my dogs very much--I say this from the get go because right now I want to skin the puppy and mount her above the fireplace! (Ok, not really so don't call the humane society on me, alright?)

Della is really the sweetest little basset hound. She just turned 10-months old and while I know she's not done growing yet I am pretty sure she will remain a 40-ish pound petite pup. (40 lbs really is petite for a basset hound folks!) Della has been a little constipated today. I'm not sure why--maybe there was a constipation holiday on the calendar that I missed--regardless, she just didn't "unload" the usual 3-4 times today. (I'm not joking or exaggerating either.)

It has been raining VERY hard for the last 24 hours so that keeps the dogs to the backyard and not the usual walks--they don't want to go and thank God for that! So it's been in and out to the backyard all day long...and the yard has started to become a bit of a swamp this evening. (We passed muddy at around 4 PM.)

Well go ahead and guess when the pwecious pwincess FINALLY had to "go." RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A FREAKING THUNDERSTORM!!! Here's the play-by-play:

Della scratches my leg to go out. It's pouring...but we go out. She sniffs around--a good sign. She starts to "make the approach for a deposit" when BAMM! Thunder. She runs to the door and back inside the house. This entire sequence looped 4 times in the span of 35 minutes. By the time she finally was "successful" the carpeting in the family was covered with muddy footprints--both puppy and human! re-read the post called "A Dyson and Hoover Steam Vac---it doesn't matter." I am NOT pleased!

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