Monday, April 18, 2005

Tax Season--a whole new twist to the yearly event

I have never been one to be get my taxes organized, finished and filed any earlier than the beginning of April. There is no reason for this as I have all my documents in hand by the start of February. I even have a week off in the middle of March every year and I rarely take use it for a vacation away from home. To make matters worse, it's not like I do my own taxes--I have an accountant. All I need to do is gather all my papers and receipts, put it in a big envelope and mail it out to my accountant. But no, I wait until the beginning of April to do this, and that means that i get my stuff back from my accountant right before April 15th.

This year was no exception and I got my materials back from my accountant on April 13th.

So I signed the forms, put them in the envelopes, addressed them and even stamped them. Then I decided to leave Della out of her crate while I showered. After all, the envelopes were in the middle of the kitchen table. She's only 10 months old so there's no way she can get them off the table--she's too small.

All seemed pretty quiet when I emerged from the bathroom so I got dressed and headed downstairs. In the middle of the kitchen floor as the "pwecious little pwincess" with an envelope between her front paws. Her mouth was wrapped around one end of the envelope, her teeth were punched through, and there was already a torn off corner of the envelope lying on the floor next to her.

Della looked up at me with those big, beautiful, brown eyes, her mouth locked around my state tax return as if to say, "Look what I found mom? Aren't you proud?"

Good thing my accountant always sends a second copy for me to keep for my records.

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