Saturday, September 16, 2006

Non-Basset Post

I realize this is blasphemous--posting about something nonbasset related, but I have to.

Her name is Shallimar. She is between 6-7 months of age. She is my mom's new kitten. And she is a holy terror!

Mom's cat, Sheba, left for the bridge at the age of 19 years, 8 months. She was a sweet, wonderful cat and she is missed terribly. I was worried that without Sheba my mother would go stir crazy pretty quickly, but I needn't have worried at all. Within 1 day Mom realized the silence in her home was deafening and she called me saying, "I want a kitten." I tried to convinced her to get a CAT (you know, older, more settled, etc.), but nope. It had to be a kitten. So enter Shallimar, aka "Shali."

About 3 weeks ago it was time to have the little princess spayed. Why? Because she was going into heat and keeping the entire northeast corridor awake, that's why! Well, the precious little darling STILL hates me because I was the one who took her to the vet that day. I am convinced that she believes I was the one who did it to her!

Hopefully she'll come around and be my friend again...probably just in time for her to have to go back for her annual physical! And then she'll hate me all over again.

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