Sunday, December 14, 2008

Buford--Cushings; Bathroom--stll not done

Buford was finally diagnosed with Cushings Disease. It has been a very long 2 years of varying symptoms and nothing definitive enough to say "yes, it's Cushings" until this month. You name the symptom/sign/condition and he has it!!

He was started on Trilostane and he has his first ACTH test after starting the med tomorrow to check his cortisol level. He's doing very well on the drug! No side effects--at least nothing negative. He has more energy, is drinking more normally as well as urinating more normally. He's hungry, he's getting into trouble for the first time in YEARS--you know, doing typical basset things like stealing socks, counter-cruising, etc. So hopefully we will be able to manage this disease for many years or as long as the boy wants to hang around on this floating rock.

Meanwhile, the bathroom renovation continues and nobody is happy!! It should have been done by Thanksgiving and now it won't be done by Christmas and the contractor is away until mid-January. The dogs want back in their bedroom....well, it's my bedroom, but I'm sure everyone understands what I mean.

Della has started chewing on the wood of the guest room box spring mattress--nice. She is sick and tired of having be stay in that room when I got to work and the contractor is here. Can you blame her??

Sigh--so much going on.

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