Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Another Installment of "BS"- "Buford Saga"

It is anything BUT bs, but I just couldn't resist.

The boy's latest round of tests, one specifically for Cushings, came back barely as a borderline case. The suppression test was done and while the numbers were a little higher than wanted, raising a slight eyebrow from my vet, his body did indeed do what it was supposed to do in reaction to the cortisol. We decided not to treat for Cushings but to monitor it in case he develops it later in life. In other words, we're treating this as a false positive, but not turning our back on the possibility in the future.

We switched antibiotics to Tylan powder: 1/4 teaspoon twice a day--just sprinkle on his food. The switch was made Monday and this morning Buford made an ALMOST normal poop! This is incredibly exciting--but I'm still not announcing the "all clear" yet. It is Buford, and that means all bets are off until we achieve success for a much longer period of time.

So now we're back to just treating the intestinal situation with the hopes that as that clears up his weight will increase, and his drinking / urinating will decrease. The rationale is that as any animal does, when they don't feel well they do whatever they can to flush their systems.

He has never lost his appetite, and his energy level has been typically high....except when he's snoring away that is. :-)

Time will boy, the medical mystery!

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