Monday, December 12, 2005

Vertically Challenged

Buford here. Mom went and did it, and I'm a little annoyed with her. She got rid of her sports car which was EASY for me to get in and out of. She replaced with with a bigger car with something called "all-wheel drive"---whatever that is.

Well, I can't get in the thing! It's too high off the ground! Mom had to bend down and lift my back end up into the car!! How humiliating!!! I just hope she always does this when the new stupid car is in the garage so no one sees the humiliation of it all.


Anonymous said...

Mom-- You need to check out a ramp for your vertically challenged houndies!! Go to and look at what you can do to help poor Buford into your new BUV. He will think it is something special!!

Anonymous said...

Miss Molly the Terror here! My Mama has a hard to get into car too. I , of course needs my rides everyday! I gotta check to make sure Mama stops at the food store!
When I needs to get into the car I give her "THE LOOK" she then bends over and gives me the "Hiney Boost". I don'ts move without it!! Train your Mama to do the same thing!