Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fourth Member of the Pack

Yes, this blog is about being owned by a basset started that way of course.  Della is doing well---she is 8 1/2 years old now and not showing any sign of slowing down.  Some gastric issues and acid reflux but it seems to be a bit more under control so I'm not overly worried.  She is happy, energetic, has a terrific appetite and still loves to play.

Guinness is cranking along and has his hands full with Oscar, who has become quite the chunky monkey.  Why?  Easy.......the new resident:  Shallimar.   Shalli was my mother's cat who is now a permanent resident of the Sarver household since mom passed away almost 2 years ago.  Shalli is a one person cat.....can you say "adjustment period?"  Holy!

My mother taught Shalli to "free range graze"---there was always a bowl of dry food out at my mom's house.  I taught the boys to eat breakfast and dinner---just like the dog.  They were in good shape, slender and muscular...but certainly not underfed.  Now.....Oscar has become a bit of a porker because if I don't keep food out for Shalli she'll starve to death.  Since it's out, it's like a cruise ship for the boys: all you can eat, all the time.  ...great....

Fortunately they all get along fairly well....Shalli is not a fan of Guinness but she plays hard with Oscar.  Shalli certainly is not a fan of Della but she tolerates the presence of a dog well enough.  There has never been any blood spilled--just the occasional spitting and hissing.  All in all, a solid and secure pack.

And so the world continues to spin and the stories continue to pile up.  There aren't any outrageous ones to tell (which is not really a bad thing) so I have been enjoying a sense of status quo.  It's pretty nice.