Quick updates: Buford and Della (ok, and Guinness too) are doing JUST FINE! No crazy medical reports to make, nor are there any crazy antics to report. All have been hiding inside the air conditioned house and away from the oppressive heat and humidity of Delaware. Smart "kids."
I've had my hands full with other things...many of you from the Daily Drool know what's been going on, others...perhaps not. My mother was diagnosed with breast, liver and kidney cancer at the midpoint of June. Since then I've been taking her back and forth to NYU where we have family in-house as well as just living in Manhattan and the surrounding northern NJ area. She's happier there so I have no issues driving back and forth.
I started another blog about it as a way for me to vent/de-stress, etc. and also for friends and family to stay updated so I don't have to remember who I've called/emailed and who I've forgotten to call/email.
Should you wish to follow along: http://cancer-is-evil.blogspot.com
**OH!** Wait!! There is a doggie update!!!!
I just had the laundry and powder room floors replaced with BEAUTIFUL tile! (you know how it is, when it rains it pours---did I really need contractors, plumbers, tile guys in my home the last 4 days with everything else going on with mom? Nope! But that's what happened anyway.)
Buford and Della have finally finished their thorough investigations. The outcome: much louder nail clickings on the tile and not sure if they accept it as part of the house yet. Della actually walked halfway in and then backed right out! It was too funny!!
Ok, onward.