Saturday, November 26, 2005

But it WANTED to be ripped!

But it wanted to be ripped!
Originally uploaded by hsarver.
Don't let the innocent look of this face and those brown soulful eyes fool you--this is Della, the Destructo Dog! She is EeeeeeVIL!

Della is 18 months old, and in true basset hound fashion, has FINALLY figured out the housebreaking thing--YIPPEE! So down came one of the baby gates to start expanding the house a little since. But, to be on the safe side all the doors to the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms were closed to avoid "temptation" (read previous post entitled "Death to all Throw Pillows").

So Della could now play in the family room, laundry room, kitchen, dining room, living room, foyer, and upstairs hallway without getting into trouble....or so I thought.

Last night it got VERY quiet--a sure sign that mischief was afoot. All seemed fine downstairs--Buford was snoring on his chair in the living room (it is HIS chair as it is no longer fit for human sitting). But Della was nowhere to be found.

So I crept upstairs and when I was halfway up, I heard it! The tearing of paper!!! But that was impossible since all the doors were closed--what did she do, learn to turn a door knob?

No--I forgot about the bookcase in the hallway! Della had removed a 2 inch thick hardcover book from the bottom shelf and was happily shredding the paper cover and getting ready to start tearing the front hard cover off the binding!

She took one look at me, dropped the cover and ran to the end of the hallway where she laid down completely flat and tried to look apologetic.

So much for being a Princess--she's definitely on her way to her own OEBE title.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

double trouble

double trouble
Originally uploaded by hsarver.
We are being very good! Just look at how cute we are too!

So why won't our mom just put the entire box of biscuits on the floor?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Mommy's Got a Cold!! YIPPEE!!

Hey great big world! This is Della and I got my paws on mommy's compawter. I know you're all wondering why I'm so excited about mommy being sick. You're pawbably thinking I am a mean puppy, but I'm weally not! You see, when mommy has a cold there are tissues EVEWEEWHERE!!! I WOVE TISSUES!!!

Of cause, when mommy sneezes she weally scares me :-(

Friday, November 04, 2005

Death To All Throw Pillows

This is my motto, me Della D. Dog, and I have a motto and it is "death to all throw pillows! I lead a very busy life and I just do not have time for throw pillows. They are annoying because they take up far too much space on couches and chairs that are meant for my beautiful basset body. I spend part of my morning making sure that all offensive throw pillows are on the floor for two reasons: 1) no need to knock them off when I am in need of a nap after having tormented the c@t for most of the morning, and 2) if they are on the floor I have easier access to them for the evening's event of destruction.

First, since they are called throw pillows I put their description to action. I pick one up in my mouth and shake it until it flies from my mouth, thereby simulating an actual "throw." But that is not my main goal. If I shake hard enough I manage to rip open a seam--THAT is the goal!

After some extra hard shaking to ensure these couch hogs are sufficiently dead it is time to disembowel them! If I shake hard enough I can open the seam far enough to get my head inside--and then the disembowelment begins!

My friends, there is nothing more picturesque than a 90% black basset hound sitting on dark blue carpeting surrounded by white polyester filler! (too bad mom didn't have her camera at home today.)